The “Standards Auctority Act” (NRCD 173), issued in 1973, provides for technical standards aimed at certifying products and guaranteeing their safety. At the Standards Authority, i.e. "The Ghana Standards Authority" (GSA), an entire department is responsible for the certification activity, this in light of the crucial importance of the sector for health protection. It is also noted that the Ghanaian certification system acquires a progressive importance as both industry and local products are entering the international trade market in a disruptive manner, which requires strict compliance with standards. Various quality marks have been introduced into the product control system adopted by the country, the so-called "Products Certification Marks", the presence of which allows manufacturers and producers to demonstrate the conformity of their goods to highly controlled production processes and that such products / goods have been subjected to necessary checks before being placed on the market. Indeed, the checks carried out on products are getting closer and closer to those imposed by international standards, with the consequence that for some products the quality mark recognized by the local certification authority was subsequently equated with an international one. With regard to the labeling of prepackaged products, the "Food and Drugs Authority" has introduced a series of general principles including the prohibition of affixing labels with a false representation or description of the products actually contained in the package. Furthermore, in addition to the name of the product and its possible description, the label must indicate all the ingredients, in particular those suitable for generating reactions in hypersensitive subjects, of which a list has already been drawn up that can be easily consulted by local companies. The name and registered office of the persons employed in the production process and in the supply of goods to end consumers must be expressly mentioned on the label.
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