This website aims to provide useful legal information for those natural or legal persons who wish to enter into any kind of relationship with Tunisia - focusing on some aspects related to international law and domestic commercial law. This site does not intend to describe in an exhaustive manner international law or domestic commercial law, but simply to focus on the most practical and interesting aspects for those natural or legal persons who wish to undertake business relations with the country. This website has no political content: it is free and open to all subjects who intend to contribute in the field of civil, commercial and administrative law. For any information, clarification, or suggestion, you can contact us at:
Tunisia is one of the central countries of North Africa, a member of the main African Unions and for a long time the seat of the Arab League. Tunisia, with its thriving commercial activity, has always presented ideal characteristics for foreign investments, thanks to its strategic location, to a particularly favorable legislation on incentives and to the low cost of production. Therefore, In the last decade there has been a significant and complex process of relocation of an increasing number of foreign companies to the North African country. Of considerable importance is the increasingly frequent appearance on this market of potential foreign investors, companies, and multinationals, interested in the renewable energy sector and in the mechanical sector with high added value, which are currently the priority sectors on which the Tunisian authorities are focusing. As for the political structure, the French protectorate, Tunisia has been a presidential republic since 1956, a form of government that certainly brings it closer to the main European countries. Furthermore, the new Constitution, approved on January 26, 2014, undoubtedly marks a positive turning point with regard to the protection of civil rights and the division of powers, so as to ensure maximum political stability within a country full of opportunities. Starting from the assumptions described above, this site aims to provide some suggestions to foreign companies wishing to seize the opportunities offered by Tunisia, so that the latter can better calibrate their business strategies. In this sense, companies interested in the country will be able to find on the site not only a summary of the most widespread commercial contracts existing in Tunisia, but, at the same time, also some useful advice that should necessarily be kept in mind before concluding any contract that expresses its effectiveness in the country. The law firm de Capoa & Partners, thanks to its more than thirty years of experience in the field of international law as well as the close collaborative relationships it maintains with qualified local professionals and internal native speakers, can offer interested entrepreneurs a quick, efficient, and perfectly aware consultancy. the complexity of the Tunisian legal-economic reality.
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This website and the information contained therein have been developed and provided by the Studio Legale de Capoa for information purposes only.This website is not intended to be, and does not replace, legal assistance. Do not use any information contained in these pages as a source of legal advice.This website contains direct links to sites that have not been prepared by the Studio Legale de Capoa. These links are offered as a courtesy. Studio Legale de Capoa has no relationship with them, and their mention does not imply validation or approval. Studio Legale de Capoa is not responsible for the contents of all linked sites or for all links contained in linked sites.This website is not for advertising purposes. Studio Legale de Capoa does not intend to represent anyone seeking representation on the basis of the review of this website in any place where it does not comply with all laws and ethical rules. No lawyer-client relationship is established between the users of the site and the de Capoa Law Firm.